Spring Forums

Spring Forum 2025: SAVE THE DATE: THURSDAY MAY 15th, 2025 at 6pm at the Concord Public Library in the Goodwin Forum:

Farming into the next 250 years: Climate and Land challenges and solutions in Concord

Join us for a presentation by Jamie Pottern and Caro Roszell from the American Farmland Trust, and Delia Kaye from Concord’sDivision of Natural Resources. Climate change and land loss are challenging our regional and local food supply and the solutions are diverse. Join the Concord Agriculture Committee in partnership with the Concord Free Public Library for an in-person presentation on how regional farmland loss and climate change challenge local agriculture, and the strategies being adopted by Concord farmers, the Town of Concord, and the broader Massachusetts farming community to meet the changing conditions.


Spring Forum 2024: Growing with Climate Change: A presentation by Erin Lane from the USDA Northeast Climate Hub followed by a panel discussion with your local farmers. Climate change is affecting our local farms in many ways. Join the Concord Agriculture Committee in partnership with the Concord Free Public Library for a live virtual presentation on how the New England climate has shifted by Erin Lane, the Deputy Director of the USDA Northeast Climate Hub, followed by an in-person panel with Concord farmers discussing how they are adapting to the changing growing conditions. Thank you all for attending! Minuteman Media recorded the event and posted it on their youtube page here – enjoy!


Spring Forum 2023: Turning the Soil: The Dirt on Tillage and No-till: A presentation by Sam Glaze-Corcoran from Umass about what tillage is and a discussion with local farmers about what that means for Concord Farms. Thank you all for attending! Minuteman Media recorded the event and posted it on their youtube page here – enjoy!